Restricted Use Chemicals
There are some of you out there who have some chemicals hanging around your property that are dangerous. Some of them might be on the restricted use list. There is a website that will give you an extensive list of those chemicals which are on the Federally Registered Restricted Use Pesticides list, including ones which have been dropped from the list because their products have been canceled. Just because they have been canceled does not mean that you don't have them at your property. We have clients who have stored these chemicals for years before they were canceled. If you are interested in taking a look at all the chemicals that are on the Restricted Use List go to You can just click on the link and it will take you directly to the 18-page list.
One of the reasons these chemicals are on that list is because when applied, they may never go away. That means they will never breakdown. Some of them are carcinogens. They may also be unstable in the environment. In other words, most of them are extremely dangerous and should be properly disposed of.
One of the reasons these chemicals are on that list is because when applied, they may never go away. That means they will never breakdown. Some of them are carcinogens. They may also be unstable in the environment. In other words, most of them are extremely dangerous and should be properly disposed of.
There are 3 locations to dispose of these chemicals safely on the Olympic Peninsula:
- Port Angeles - Regional Transfer Station located at 3501 West 18th Street, Port Angeles, where there is a moderate risk waste facility, open Wednesdays and Saturdays.
- Port Townsend - it is located at the Jacob Miller Transfer Station at 325 County Landfill Road, Port Townsend where there is a moderate risk waste facility. Their hours vary so check their website for days and times,
- Quilcene - it is located at 295312 Highway 101, just South of Quilcene, where there is a moderate risk waste facility. Their hours vary so check their website for days and times,